On the coffee plantations at 1'700 meters

As soon as we arrived at the coffee plantations, we had the feeling of being at home. Rosa and Mario welcomed us with a big smile and a coffee on the table. In Huayopata, Cusco, like in many places in Peru, the producers drink their coffee with a traditional Peruvian coffee pot. We call this "café pasado" in Spanish. It consists in preparing the coffee in a very concentrated way and reduced to the maximum. The locals call it "coffee essence". They mix it with water. They enjoy their coffee very long and diluted!

Mario y Rosa Delgado. Carolina Gobet. Huayopata, Quillabamba, Cusco, Peru.

We then take a walk on the land of his neighbor Esteban Castillo. These two families have their plantations next to each other. The Castillo family also has a long tradition in coffee growing. Esteban proudly shows us his coffee plantations and explains that his plants have a maximum height of 1,5 - 2 meters to make the harvest easier.

Esteban Castillo, Huayopata, Quillabamba, Cusco, Peru.

Imagine a sloping ground, at 1'700 meters, we have a little difficulty to follow the walking rhythm of Esteban. Yes indeed you have to be in shape to cultivate coffee.

Caturra coffee tree, Huayopata coffee plantation, Cusco, Peru.

After this beautiful visit with Esteban, we continue the tour but this time with Mario and Rosa. We cross fields of corn of one meter high, banana trees that we find on all their land. Citrus fruits are also abundant, it is their second crop that allows them to live during all the year.

Mario and Rosa Delgado, Carolina Gobet. Huayopata coffee plantation.

With Mario we discuss the possibilities of offering his delicious coffee all year round. With the Castillo family's harvest and his own, we will have a high quality coffee, which is finally the beginning of an incredible relationship between Viajero Coffee and the community of Huayopata. In three words, we are thrilled!

It may sound simple enough but we try to have a direct impact on their daily lives.

But what is the direct impact?

By buying directly from the producers we create a more relaxed atmosphere for the coffee producing family, knowing that once their crop is selected, fermented and dried; the coffee produced during the year is already sold. For us this means quality. The producer is no longer stressed to just produce and harvest the cherries before they are ripe. But he can select his crop to ensure better quality. Producers have more time to take care of their crops and improve quality.

After this explanation of what we do in Peru, Mario, Rosa and Esteban are very enthusiastic about this long-term collaboration.

coffee cherries, bourbon, coffee plantation Huayopata, Cusco.

We asked Mario, Rosa and Esteban how we can help the community?  "They told us, you can sell more coffee and work with us for a very long time"

So we have a great responsibility towards the coffee producers in Peru and this adventure has just begun.

If you would like to visit the coffee plantations or you are traveling to Peru, come and see Mario and his family. They will be very happy to meet you and show you their plantations!

Market Bulle, Saturday at Place St. Dénis. From 07:30 - 12:30

I am every Wednesday at the Place Python in Fribourg to answer your questions, come and find me, don't be shy 🙂

Carolina de Viajero Coffee

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